Power Ranger Party

Happy 6th Birthday to Hanson!

Hanson wanted a (Black) Power Ranger Birthday party this year. Problem is non of the party place have the one in black costume so he had a combination Power Ranger/Ninja party. He also wanted to go pick out his own cake this year which we did. The tropical storm weather coming our way held off just enough for a little water balloon war. I can’t believe how fast this little bunch of kids went thru over 400 water balloons! They had a blast! Hanson had a great party with all his neighborhood pals and they gave him super cool gifts like Legos, Hot wheels garage, hot wheel cars, remote control vehicle, wrestler guy, war blaster gun & Power Ranger costume. He also received cloths, a light up musical car and Lightning Mc Queen remote control car from grandparents. He is truly loved and blessed by so many!

No longer a Pre-Teen

Joseph is no longer a pre-teen, he is a bonifide 13 year old and has requested to no longer be referred to as “the little kids”! We now have 3 teenage boys, 2 elementary, 2 toddlers and 2 very blessed yet busy, exhausted adults!!! We praise God for Joseph and the unique, energetic, creative, talented, sensitive, passionate, comedic teen he is. Happy 13th Birthday Joesph!!!

Piercing Joy


The day this little girl has been asking for finally came true. . . She got her ears pierced!!!!


With her best friend by her side squeezing her hand with a death grip  holding her hand.


She was all nervous excited and giddy with laughter after each ear was pierced. No tears, well maybe some tears of joy!!!


She now has her pink birthstone butterflies in her ears along with a matching pink necklace. Oh what joy!!!

A Birthday memory she’ll never forget.

Morgan’s Birthday


For Morgan’s Birthday we checked him out for lunch and he picked the Chinese Garden. We gave him his Birthday cards during lunch and then back to school he went to take some test. He had manicotti dinner and red velvet cake as requested for dinner. His other gifts were personal items he wanted like a Bacon candle and cinnamon roll candle from Yankee Candle Company, 100% grape juice, chocolate chip cookies, a zippo lighter and Camo jacket. Saturday morning Trey took him to the shooting range where he shot his guns and some others that were at the range. After shooting and shopping they had Gangis Grill for lunch and then a haircut and home. He was a very pleased boy and we are so glad he had such a good Birthday time!! Happy 14th Birthday Morgan we all love you so very much!!!



Flashback Friday













Mary at a Cinderella Birthday party 3 years ago.  Can you say overstimulated!!! This party was a bit over the top too much going on for little Miss Mary to process. Even though this was taken long ago I don’t know the other little girls or their parents therefore didn’t want to publish their faces to the world hence the spray canned faces.  It was a beautiful Cinderella event but Mary wasn’t ready for so much of so much! Live and learn!

Birthday Cake

No time for candles or singing “Happy Birthday” song, Joseph saw his cake when he came home from school and he made a mad dash for a fork, plate and cup of milk! Best after school snack ever! He did take a brief pause to admire the Ninjago picks on his cake. He was pretty pleased with the look of his cake, but more importantly to this 10 year old was the taste and he was diving in!!!


Our new teen

Today is Morgan’s 13th Birthday!

It wasn’t so long ago that our new teenager was this little guy!  He sure is one of the sweetest boys I know.  He is smart, diligent, kind and considerate.   He is fun-loving and absolutely the funniest comedian in our house with his wit and what is known in our home as “Morganisms”!!  He is a skillful whittler creating beautiful knives and other weaponry from local wood. He is a knife nut which I suppose is a common boy trait! He’s crazy for long boarding. He has great accuracy using the recurve bow and has an eagle eye when it comes to shooting with guns.  He is a passionate, yet cautious hunter like his Daddy.  He has a love for reading.  Typically Morgan either has a book, bow or knife in his hands at all times!    But lately the most common object in his arms is his baby brother Hans.  Morgan is a wonderful big brother, always has been and he is exceptional with Hans.  We have all enjoyed the taste of his wonderful baking including many of his siblings Birthday cakes he has baked.  I just can’t say it enough how much we love Morgan, he is a true gift and a treasure to all of us and we wish him the very best 13th Birthday!!!!!


Happy 13th Birthday you beutiful boy!!! We love you so much!!!!